What Each Must Seek{Inspirational Quote Of The Week}

The Light Within

What each must seek in his life never was on land or sea.

It is something out of his own unique potentiality for experience,

something that never has been and never could have been

experienced by anyone else.

-Joseph Campbell-

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Photo Credit: h.koppdelaney’s photostream flickr.com

26 thoughts on “What Each Must Seek{Inspirational Quote Of The Week}

  1. Hi, Zeenat! This reminds me of something I read a long time ago that said, “You are the ONLY person whose business it is to spin this particular cocoon.” I usually like to focus on the things we all have in common, but it’s important to remember the ways in which we each are unique as well. It is those details that start to hint at the gifts we can bring to the world.

    Have a Wonderful Weekend!!

    1. Hi Lisis,
      That is so true. We often get close to people with whom we think we have things in common but in the end its our differences, uniqueness and individuality that actually make the camaraderie blossom.
      You have a great weekend too!
      Lots of love.

    1. Hi Vijay,
      I like it that your Gravatar has your picture now 🙂
      And “Eternal Bliss” is exactly what we all are seeking. Prayer, Meditation, Faith and Belief in yourself help in the journey towards finding your soul and are the ways we can try to achieve eternal Bliss.
      Meditation is definitely very very helpful. I cant function one day without my Pranayam.
      Glad you liked the post 🙂

  2. You have done it again , Zeenat. The quote is beautiful and inspiring.

    We are responsible for our self and how the world sees us. Loving yourself makes it possible to love and understand others as your brothers and sisters.

    Have a great weekend sweetie !

  3. This is exactly why we never need compare ourselves or our experiences to others. You and I only need to celebrate the unique individuals we are. No one has my thumb print, foot print, voice print etc.

    1. HI Tess,
      You have said it so beautifully…our uniqueness is indeed our print we leave behind in this world. Believing in our own individuality can lead us to heights of greatness spiritually and make us more Humane and kind to all those around us.

    1. Hi Stephen,
      It is really awesome isnt it. We all keep thinking we have to be like someone else…forgetting our own uniqeness and individuality…We all truly need to believe we are special and have something special to offer.

  4. Our uniqueness is a gift, a very special one that allows us to create uniquely even if there are so many of us. It is mind blowing to think about it and how clever that is.
    You can see that we all blog and yet we all have our own flavor and slant and that is why there is no need to compete, feel lack or be jealous.
    Zeenat, thank you for this lovely quote that makes me very grateful to be alive.
    Lots of love to you, Wilma.

    1. Hi Wilma,
      Exactly….no need to feel jealous or competitive…we are all unique and that uniqueness just flows out of us so naturally if we let it.
      And to me your new take on Integrity in your latest post was just brilliant and then Ann Marie’s take before that was so brilliant as well…….same topic but such different and colorful perspectives. Isnt it a pleasure to be unique and realize it? Your blog is my latest Unique hang out 🙂
      Lots of love to you too Wilma.

  5. What a fantastic quote! I love Joseph Campbell and have always found his words to be totally inspiring and empathetic to the human condition.
    Reading this reminds me that I am here with a mission, and no one else can fulfill it but me. I am necessary!
    Thank you, Zeenat!

  6. Love the thoughts shared here. The quote reminds people how nothing is like personal experience. You grow to sense things on different levels even if you have no words to accurately describe them.

    1. Hi Liara,
      Nice to see you here 🙂
      Very true what you say….and even though we all might think we are similar to one another we are yet still so different and unique.
      Thank you for your lovely comment.

  7. Pingback: On Compassion{Inspirational Quote of the Week} « Positive Provocations

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