Being Grateful for 2009!

This Year was a whirlwind for me. It went by so quickly. But in that whirlwind I met some amazing people and had some great moments of personal accomplishment. I would like to share these with you today and tell you how grateful I am to you the readers who made this journey so beautiful.

On Starting this Blog

I started this blog on a whim. I really had no idea people would actually want to come and read what I thought. But when my first few comments came in and when the traffic graph starting going up, that was my WOW moment for sure. I have discovered so much more of myself while writing these articles for ~Positive Provocations~. It’s amazing how therapeutic writing here has been for me, and the best part is this therapy was helping the readers as well. I just love the feeling 🙂 Thank you to all my readers, you’re the heart of this blog. You can look forward to a lot more writing in the new year and hopefully many many years to come. Psst…Ebook launch in February 2010, on my babys 3rd brithday !

On Being Grateful

I have been lucky enough to meet some amazing people on my journey into the blog-o-sphere. I would list all of them, but that would make this post so would never end..its already really long. So here are the gorgeous people who have helped me and this blog grow. I want you guys and gals to know how much I appreciate all your love and support.

In no particular order –

  1. Aabid Syal&Haaniya Syal The two most important people in my life. My hubby and my little daughter. Without their love I dont think I would be able to go on being Me. They complete me and are at the top of all my lists always. Especially my hubby, he is my Rock , my best friend and my Soulmate..and I couldnt have asked for anything more. I am truly blessed for their presence in my life.{this pic was taken when Haaniya was about 11 months old, she is almost 3 yrs now}
  2. Bunny @ Bunny Got BlogThis cute Bunny has been my supporting anchor from the very beginning. She writes about issues that touch my heart. When she asked me to do a  guest post for her awesome blog, I was surprised, mostly cause who on earth wanted to read me 🙂 But, she encouraged me, told me to go for it and helped me learn the blogging etiquette. Her Hubby Thumper, gave me suggestions of the blog design and helped me learn so much. Bunny, you’re my BFF and the sister I never had. I thank you and Thumper for all your time, love and support. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.
  3. Lisis @ Quest For Balance– This gals blog was the first blog I ever read. And talk about being hooked. I love her and her journey. We have grown close in the past few months. We happily refer to each other as Soul Twins cause we feel so connected on so many levels.  Thank you Lisis for always being my sweet supportive Soul Twin.
  4. George @ Tumblemoose Writing Services– I remember when Barbara (from BWAB) passed the torch to George for the New Blog of The Week Discovery. Imagine me seeing my name there in big bold Red. Awesome! George you’re such an encourager and an awesome writer. I am learning so much about writing from you. Thank you for your vote of confidence at a time when I needed it the most.
  5. Megan @ Its All About Joy– Ever since I first read one of her comments, I have been totally in awe of this wonderful soul. She is so full of joyous energy. Over the past few months I have grown to love her and her writing so much, that if she doesn’t post something for too long I start worrying. She is My Joyful Angel..all I need is to look at her smiley gravatar and my day is made. Thank you for your constant and infectious joyous energy Megan. You truly are my Joyful Angel.
  6. Lance @ Jungle Of Life– The light that this beautiful souls exudes is just marvelous. He is full of love and happiness, and is not afraid to show it. He has a heart of gold and is one of the most amazing people i have ever met in my entire life. Thank you Lance, for being YOU and for having such a warm and big heart, that we all feel part of it. Thank you for connecting with me.
  7. Steven @ Change Your Thoughts– To me Steven is a problogger; but he still doesn’t know it 😉  And if he does, he sure doesn’t behave like one 🙂 He has the most awesome blog with nearly 7000 subscribers, but he still answers each and every comment and takes the time to help all the new kids( meaning me:) ). He let me guest post on his blog, and encouraged me to no end. He has been so supportive and kind, I can’t thank him enough for all his support. Thank you Steven, you’re the best !
  8. Tess @ The Bold Life– Tess is like a huge warm heart for me. Every-time I think of her or read her blog, all I can feel is immense love and compassion. Not to forget a very grounded, strong, realistic and Bold woman. When I wrote about how I started offering Free Online Counseling, she immediately asked me to do an interview for her blog. Talk about being helpful, loving and supportive 🙂  Tess, you’re one in a million and I am so so lucky to have met you and felt the immensely warm and loving heart you have been blessed with. Thank you Tess, you’re Gorgeous inside out!
  9. Michele @ Healing With Raw Juices– The sweetest and most loving girl around. Her story inspired me to no end, and her blog about living with Raw food is just awesome. She benefited from going on an all raw diet, and she shares her experience nad expertise on her blog. I just love her so much for her amazing personality and her loving soul. Thank you Michelle for always being there for me. Youre Awesome!!
  10. Barbara @ Blogging Without a Blog– Now, Barbara has this blogging classroom. She does such an awesome Job with the posts there and the discussions are just thought-provoking. Since the day i started this blog, I was drawn to her blog. She doesn’t really know this, but I can’t afford to miss even one lesson she offers; and that all the blogging info i have is from her expertise. Thank you Barbara for being the wonderful teacher that you are and for helping me be the better blogger(I hope). Youre the best Teacher..I wish all my school teachers were as nice and sweet as you 🙂
  11. Nadia @ Happy Lotus– Her writing, her blog, her personality, her energy all radiate light. Beautiful heavenly light! She is my spiritual fix( if thats even possible 🙂 ). She writes about spirituality, life and living in this world with spirituality. Reading her words just brings me calm. Thank you Nadia, for always being so grounded yet full of loving heavenly light. Just know I have learned so much from you and truly i hang by your every word 🙂
  12. SuZen @ Erasing The Bored– The strong woman with life experience and immense wisdom to share.  Thats how I think of her 🙂 Her writing has been with me for a long time and till I don’t see her thoughts on my writing, I am truly not at peace. She is knowledge and Love personified. Thank you SuZen for being YOU.
  13. Jay @ Porsidan– Jay and his writing are literary genius. He is full of life, humor and yes soul. Whether its screwing up his Karma or a Near death experience,he has been there and done that! He might not know this, but his writing and his journey help me, and if I ever miss reading any of his posts I seriously get a guilty conscience for it. Thank you Jay for always writing with such passion, it cant help but rub off a little on us. Youre a loving soul and an awesome writer and I am so happy our paths met in the blogosphere.
  14. Robin Easton @ Naked In Eden– Natures loving Soul, is how I see her. She is full of love and energy. Her writing just hits the right spots within me. She can talk about nature like she was it. She is the purest and warmest Soul I have ever met. Robin, Thank you for being my loving Soul Sister.
  15. Wilma @ Wilma’s Blog– The Beauty, Brains and Experience with a heart of Gold..thats what she is for me. I love how she writes about our everyday issues and comes up with solutions for them. Her passion and her excellent perception comes through in her writing. I love the conversations we have and the ideas we share, and most of all I love how she has molded my thinking for the better. Thank you Wilma for being the brightest and most Star that shines in my world.
  16. Jonathan @ Advanced Life Skills– Genius, Warm, Excellent Writer and most of all A Family Man…that’s how I see Jonathan. I discovered his blog by chance, and never stopped reading it. He writes about Life and all the skills we will ever need to live a good happy life. I just have to send him one message and i can be sure he will give me all the help I need. He is so helpful and such an amazing person. Thank you Jonathan for always being there for me whenever i need any help on absolutely anything. Youre a Savior!
  17. Steven @ Human Explosion– He is a comic genius and wise beyond his years. His comic lessons make me laugh while i think,i did think that was ever possible but his comics are like that. And his articles of life are truly superb! Steven is the sweetest and nicest guy. Thank you Steven for being the Genius with the beautiful heart.Steven…I love me as a stick figure…I dont have to ever worry about putting on weight now 😉
  18. Jan @ Awake Is Good-I met Jan only recently…and instantly I felt a connection with her. I think a soul connection. I love the work she is doing and am so happy we connected. She is loving, inspiring and most of all a wonderful human being. I am blessed to have connected with you Jan. You have brought instant light to my life without even realizing it. Thank you.
  19. Corinne @Everyday Gyaan- Imagine this, she is in my home town and I am in hers. What an awesome coincidence is that? Corinne is one of the warmest souls I know. She is loving, family oriented, intelligent and most of all I am proud to call her my Friend. Thank you Corinne for coming into my life, connecting with me and having patience with me. You know why 😉 Love you.
  20. Dragos @ Dragos Roua- This is one guy who knows what he’s saying and he says it so well in his writing…you cant help but wonder where all that grey matter comes from 🙂 He’s a brilliant writer and lately I have been almost addicted to his writing. Thank you Dragos for being YOU. Youre Awesome!

I told you, the list is long 🙂

There are so many I still havent mentioned, so many people I love and want to thank for their support. If I have forgotten any one please dont be angry with me..its just me getting old I guess(as my hubby often teases;) )

2009 was a beautiful whirlwind, with starting the blog and moving to a new place. I hope 2010 is just as exciting and more for me and for You too!

Thank you to everyone who came here in 2009, I hope to see you again in 2010 till the end of time I hope 🙂

with love Zeenat

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26 thoughts on “Being Grateful for 2009!

  1. Aww… Z! This is really sweet, and so true. I have met most of these people (at least online) and can vouch for their awesomeness. I really love how you started off with Aabid and Haaniya. After all, they are what makes the whole journey, with its crazy ups and downs, so very worthwhile.

    I am so thankful that 2009 brought me a Soul Twin like you!! (Especially in India, because I’ve really been meaning to get out that way, and now I have a great excuse!) 😉

    1. Oh Lisis…that would be so awesome if you came over 🙂 I am so so sure we would have such a great time. Just let me know when you plan to drop by and I can make out a “fun to do list” 🙂
      Thank you sweetie for always being there.

  2. Zeenat,
    Your real heart and soul shines through so brightly in the words in this post. I’m drawn in to how you started this out – with your family – your husband and daughter. What a beautiful way to start this list…with those who matter most deeply to you.

    Zeenat, I am honored and humbled by your sweet, sweet words here today. Your soul is beautiful, and that is just so evident in everything you write. Today, especially, though, your beautiful love and spirit shine through. In all the loving thoughts you have shared about so many here…that’s you. You being a light out into the world.


  3. tumblemoose


    Wonderful folks like yourself have made it very easy to showcase a new blog.

    Your spirit shines through with everything that you write over here, and it is a pleasure to visit.

    I hope your 2010 is memorable!


  4. Well-done & congratulation to all your hard work and contribution to the personal development world.. Keep blogging Z you are certainly needed and appreciated out there …. Peace & love 🙂 🙂

  5. Zeenat,
    What a sweet surprise to come here this morning and find all these soulful bloggers listed. Aren’t we blessed? Such a dear, wise, loving group. And then to see my own name? I was floored. Thank you for your graciousness…

    Though we are new blog friends, I really look forward to getting to know you better in 2010. Your work in the world is just so brilliant and rooted in generosity and lovingkindness. It is a blessing to watch you, listen to you, and learn from you. May your 2010 be as warm and love-filled as you are. May every being be warm and love-filled.

  6. My dear beautiful soul sister, you have just blown me right out of the water. WOW! and double WOW!! What a HUUUUUUGE heart you have. My word, Z, you are generosity personified. This took soooooooo much work to do this and write such loving thoughts about each person. After the first two or three I got tears in my eyes and thought. “My word this is a VERY VERY special human being who did all this.” I literally had that feeling I was being touched by an angel.

    I am just loving you for all your selfless heart, infinite compassion and love. Boy, somewhere along the way you REALLY have lived a remarkable life to be who you are today, made remarkable choices (no matter what was happening in your life)….or else you were just born this way and it’s all you know.

    Regardless, I thank you for the gift you’ve given me. I hold it to my heart and cherish it. I also thank you for the gift you’ve given everyone else here, and to all your readers as well. Dear Z, always be you because it is absolutely perfect and the world DESPERATELY needs your love and great peace.

    You are not only a friend but a sister.
    Much love,

  7. Zeenat, you have a pure heart and are a true ‘Angel of the internet’. Your writing has touched me many times and I am truly grateful for getting to know you in 2009. This has been a great year for you and I know 2010 will be fantastic for you. The very best of luck with your ebook launch in February.

  8. Wow, Z… I’m truly speechless!

    I’ve tried for the past several hours (since I first discovered this post) to come up with something profound to say. I just can’t. I mean, your words have touched to the deepest depths of my soul! I’m SO very honored (and blessed!) that I’ve inspired you and have been there for you.

    Your blog is SO amazing (and so are YOU!). I can’t wait to see what you share in 2010. I know it will be fantabulous – you sure are!


  9. Zeenat has done an amazing job in 2009! I am one of her fans and like her posts a lot. Each post has glimpse of something valuable in life, and things that we have taken for granted or just forgotten. Keep up the excellent work throughout the coming years. God Bless You!

  10. All I can say is “Thank you”. Your presence brought a flow of fresh air and inspiration into my daily web travels. You are a wonderful person. You really are. Just stay like this 🙂

  11. Hi Zeenat,

    What a beautiful way to show your gratitude. You are SO SWEET!. Like the others, I am humbled and honored to be featured in this post.

    And you my dear, are a fabulous blogger. You know the secret to being successful in blogosphere, and that is by being YOU, by being true to yourself, and by selflessly sharing your knowledge and love.

    I am blessed to have met you and wish you tons of success as continue on your journey.

    Happy Holidays, my friend!

  12. I LOVED THIS LIST! Wow, everyone on it and all the words you wrote about them put a perma-grin on my face this morning. Thank you so much, my beautiful friend!
    Zeenat, all the wonderful warm feelings you have for all of us are simply a reflection of what’s already in – and brightly shining out of – you! You are everything: love, warmth, compassion, virtual hugs, big smiles, laughter, healing, kindness, intelligence, creativity, and the best kind of abundance a girl could wish for.
    God had big plans when you were created, and what a pleasure and privilege it’s been to share the same planet with you, let alone blog community. My gosh!
    Everyone you listed is just gorgeous, too, and beautifully talented in their own ways. I have some new people to check out because truly, any friend of yours is a friend of mine.
    HUGE hug & SO MUCH LOVE to you!
    Thank you for being you!

  13. Awww, Z! Thank you! I’m pretty sure I don’t deserve to be up here with all these fine folks, but I’m sure glad you think so! I’m so glad to have met you, and I love interacting with you. You’re such a sweet, special soul.

  14. Oh My Dear, Dear Zeenat! How could you doubt for a nanosecond the love I have for you and your writing? You are truly a ray of light – if I were a real butterfly, you are the butterfly bush! I truly treasure our connection – and also many of those on your gracious list. THAT is what blogging is all about – the people you meet – and boy what a joyful experience! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words!

    There are times I feel like a really old woman here in the blogosphere – I read about all the younger people still looking, searching, questing for purpose and meaning. I don’t have any answers, certainly don’t know it all by any stretch of the imagination. I’m in such a different space personally. Oh sure I still have dreams and goals and tremendous positive energy. I feel I have fewer years than most to deal with – like ok, be who you ARE right now because that might be all ya get! Seeing that train coming smacks some sense into you – simplify, don’t waste time whining and creating problems for yourself, LOVE everyone and everything (even the icky stuff). I am blessed to be blogging. If I can help motivate and inspire just one person out there to be the best that they can be at whatever they choose to do, then it is indeed a dream come true for me.

    Now be at peace, Zeenat! The blogosphere needs your shining bright light and gentle loving words – so do I!
    Hugs and love!

  15. You are such a beacon of joy. I always feel better after visiting your blog. Keep up this fabulous work. Blessings and hugs to you and your family for the coming year.

  16. Hi Z

    Isn’t it beautiful how we have created such a lovely community around your blog. I see most of our mutual friends here and they are all dear to me too. We are all drawn to you as moths to light.
    I am so excited what I see appearing here, all the love and the visions of how life and humanity can really be.
    We need examples, we need trailblazers, we need great images of how we can live authentically and into our greatness, as these images have been hidden for so long.
    Your exhuberance, my dear Z, allows me to come out of my shell and to spread love freely around the internet too.
    If you dare to express your love so openly and freely, I dare too.
    And I know it will spread further into our daily lives.
    The interent has influence on how we live our lives with the people we live with and who we meet in the flesh so to speak.
    Z, keep spreading your exhuberance and your posts, they do make a difference.
    Lots of love to you too, MY shining star.

  17. Zeenat I totally agree with Wilma in the previous comment, your ability to show your love and light so freely without hesitation is something very special, rare and incredibly inspiring! We all need to learn to get out of our shells, connect and spread the love in order to make this world sa better place to live. Thank you!

  18. Hey Zeenat! Wow nice header you got there for your blog! I wonder who in the whole wide world must’ve been that awesome and did that for you?! 😀 😀 haha.

    These are all wonderful people that you have listed up here! And I appreciate it very very much that you have included me up on your list 🙂 You are elegantly awesome!

    Hope you have a wonderful year in India!!

    PS: Glad to have to have met the wonderful you, glad to have drawn the wonderful you.


  19. Hi Zeenat,

    I am so late to getting here. Apologies for that but life has been so busy.

    Thank you so much for including me in such a wonderful list of people. I am honored to be “a spiritual fix”. If there is any “fix” I would want to be, that would be it! 🙂

    Please know that I am grateful to know you too. Actually, many of your posts and comments have provided me with insights that made me realize certain things about myself. So the gratitude goes both ways, my friend.

    May 2010 be a year filled with lots of love, joy, great health and so many other blessings.

  20. @ Dearest Everyone-
    I seriously am so so grateful to have met you all. All those who read the blog, all those who comment on the Blog and just all of you who ever come here.
    I do feel we all have so much love to give…we just need to spread more love..and it keeps growing and growing and growing….amazing how it never ever ends…more so because LOVE is one of those special divine gifts 🙂
    Thank you all for being part of my lifes journey…its such a pleasure to have you all on board ..its made this journey so much more special. I feel like we have created this amazing community which to me is like a ‘support system’ we each need in this journey of life.
    You all have made me feel like what I think somehow matters and makes a difference..and that to me is a gift I will cherish forever.
    My 2009 is special and will remain special cause of all of YOU! Thank you so so much.
    Lots and lots of love to you all.
    Zeenat 🙂

  21. I’m so glad I’ve discovered YOU on this journey…your thoughts, ideas, words all flow from your heart and fill me with inspiration.

    May 2010 be a year of blessings for you and all beings.
    gentle steps,

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