Shine Your Light{Inspiration from Marianne Williamson}

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

~By Marianne Williamson~

From her book, “A Return To Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles, Harper Collins, 1992. From Chapter 7, Section 3 (Pg. 190-191).~

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42 thoughts on “Shine Your Light{Inspiration from Marianne Williamson}

  1. Zeenat,
    This is one of my very favorite quotes! The words that Marianne Williamson uses here are so touching on just how deeply amazing we all are. And we all have this amazing light within us…we just have to let that out. Zeenat, I see this so much in you, and with the compassion by which you live your life. And that is such a beautiful sight…

    1. HI Lance,
      Thank you for your kind words. This is one of my favorite quotes too …more so because at some level I feel it motivates me and encourages me to do better be better and live better.

  2. Really powerful! I knew the quote but somehow, I need to remember it every once in a while. Every time I read it, I get to another level of understanding, I perceive it in a different way. From this perspective, you can say it’s one of the tallest quotes ever 🙂

    1. HI Dragos,
      I know what you mean…the words of this quote have that effect on me too. Everytime I read it my understanding goes to another level…I agree…it is probably the tallest quote 😉

  3. Most people a blind to their true nature. We are more than we think we are. Unless we allow ourselves, we can be powerful beyond measure. 🙂

    1. Hi Walter,
      You have said it so beautifully. We are indeed blind to our own true potential. Just opening our hearts and minds will lead us to levels we couldnt even dream of….but we just need to allow ourselves that power…
      Thank you fro your lovely thoughts on this 🙂

  4. Very powerful and motivational post and I love the section which says “ when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same” … 🙂

    1. HI Fatima,
      This quote really hit me in the right spot. Hence i had to share it with everyone 🙂
      Somehow in the hustle of life we have forgotten how important and powerful we are(not in the ego sense) but in the sense of creating our own destiny..and a good one at that.

    1. HI Sweet Michele,
      I am glad this quote inspired you…You are already the best…and now this quote inspiring you means youre only going to reach for the stars 🙂
      Hugs to you too 🙂

  5. Hi Zeenat,

    Marianne Williamson is one of my heroes and “A Return to Love” came into my life at a very dark time. I love her work and this quote is one of the many amazing things she has written. We are capable of so much and yet we play it small.

    1. Hi Nadia,
      Marianne really has a way with words. It just touched the right chords. She has become one of my favorites too.
      I think by playing small all we are doing is just hurting our self. Our self/spirit really needs to become free and fly..and we have these weird chains around it….breaking free is what we all need to do 🙂

  6. The the message here…..

    Life should be lived to the fullest. Lately I think time is something overlooked because we don’t know how long we have and should live life each day as if it is our last.

    1. HI BUnny,
      Youre right…life really does need to be lived to its fullest. Noone really knows when he end is…today tomorrow…this minute…whatever we have is this very moment..and making the most of breaking free from the chains of fear and anxiety…we can truly LIVE 🙂

  7. Juancav

    We are creatures of God, called to a life infinitely superior, our senses can not scale it, only the faith that guides us to paradise.

  8. Zeenat I love this poem. I finally finished school for the semester and have been looking for something to read. I think Marianne is one I will put on my reading list. Thank You for sharing.

    1. HI Terie,
      Youre really going to enjoy reading Marianne’s work. It will be especially motivating..and enlightening all at the same time. Am glad you liked this quote 🙂 Thank you for sharing your thoughts. 🙂

  9. Juancav

    We are creatures of God, called to a life infinitely superior, our senses can not scale it, only the faith that guides us to paradise

  10. Hi Z.

    This one got me between the eyes big time; ” Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.”

    Once I realized that I made God small by being small, wow THAT really got me into action. I totally ignored his great creation, who indeed was I being?

    BTW I love your drops of love moving over my screen, love Wilma

    1. HI Wilma,
      Its wondrous how we can just play small…and not even realise it…..
      This quote especially put things in perspective for me too 🙂
      Ohh the drops of love as you put it are actually a snowy effect for the season 🙂 I cant see snow in India…so am making myself all happy by seeing these little snowflakes in my vortual home (my blog) 😉
      Lots of love to you too.

  11. Dear Z, This is my all time favorite quote. I just love this one so much. Sure gives us perspective and allows us to feel humble in a healthy way as well as to loved. It is a truth that I have found true in my life and the lives of others. Thank you for sharing it so I could “feel” and savor it once again. Much love, Robin 🙂

    1. Hi Robin,
      I feel humble yet empowered after reading this quote. Its especially a great pick me up kind of thing. Makes me feel really special without inflating the ego 😉
      I am so glad you loved it so mucha dnthat its your favorite. Its my new favorite too 🙂
      With Love, Z.

  12. Hi Zeenat,

    Marianne Williamson is one of my favorite authors. She always “nails it”, doesn’t she. My favorite line of the poem you showcased is, “There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won’t feel insecure around you.” It’s a good reminder to give all we do, our all.

    1. HI Barbara,
      I am so glad we both have the same favorites 🙂 She does always Nail it….right in the heart for me 🙂 I love this quote makes us feel so so special..much like a queen but a good generous kind hearted queen 🙂
      Thank you for your beautiful comment.

  13. I have always always always (since reading it the very first time) loved this quote. And just a few days ago, I was recognizing my own tendency this past year to shrug away from the glory that’s within me. I actually told myself (in Marianne’s words from a book of hers I recently read) that I am a Queen, and I should think about and carry myself like divine royalty.
    Thank you for this awesome reminder, which I can never read too many times!

    1. HI My JOyful Angel,
      Oh wow…the queen phonomenon is so catching on…Suzen wrote about it..I felt it while reading this quote..and now you too….You and me both have to get one of those badges Suzen is talking about…that say “It’s so GOOD to be Queen!” 🙂
      We are indeed Divine Royalty 😉
      Lots of love.

  14. Hi Zeenat!
    Indeed a powerful quote! Years ago, in the depth of a depression, I listened to a tape of meditations and prayers by Julia Cameron. There was one in particular that truly got to me, much like this quote, and at the end of it she said “I am enough!” Wow, it brought such tears to my eyes and it released all the yuck I had inside at the time. Boy, don’t we really need to believe this???

    I have some painted knobs in my laundry room on the cabinet doors. They read “It’s so GOOD to be Queen!” Cheers me right up in the midst of doing the mundane task of laundry! Hey, whatever it takes, eh? I have a coffee mug that reads Queen, just in case I’m not doing laundry, haha!

    Thank you for this quote – especially good to start the week off with! I remember seeing “God don’t make no junk.” somewhere – not as eloquent perhaps, but the same message!

    1. HI Suzen
      I love the feeling of being Queen 🙂
      Infact thats exactly how i felt the first time read this quote. How uncanny that we both share this 🙂
      I have gotto get myself a “It’s so GOOD to be Queen!” badge put all around my kitchen 🙂
      Thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts here Suzen.
      Lots of love

  15. Hello Zeenat!

    I am blown away by this quote. There’s one line that really jumps out at me. “Your playing small does not serve the world”. I love that! It contains so much truth. W Many may think it is self-centered (and it can be some times) when a person is being all they can be, using all of their talents and being the beautiful person they are, but it is what we should be doing. I think it is even what we need and must be doing or we not only rob ourselves but we rob the world of the blessings our lives can bestow.

    Thank you Zeenat!

    1. HI Keith,
      We human beings have a tendency to hide behind our so called inadequacies..when in truth we need come froward with our assets our love our beautiful personalities. Its not egoist..its empowering isnt it…a wonderful reminder to each of us as to how truly truly unique and important we each are.
      Thank you so much for you beautiful comment 🙂

    1. Hi Kaushik,
      Youre right….many people do mistake it for a Nelson Mandela Quote…simply because he used it in his 1994 inauguration speech.
      I am glad you loved the quote as much as I do 🙂
      Thank you fro you lovely comment.

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