26/11-Prayer for Peace and Love

Today it is exactly a year after the Terror attack on the city of Mumbai at the Taj Hotel. The city was under this terror attack for a whole day. Innocent lives were taken hostage and then killed by these terrorist.

This date brings back memories of tragedy and an incredible loss of precious innocent human life.

When i started writing this, I wanted to vent at how it could be stopped, why the officials didnt do anything etc etc… But i just stopped myself and thought, what purpose is that serving now. How will that help all the families who lost their loved ones and how will that bring peace???

I am quite and question the universe instead for such a huge loss of beautiful souls.

I have often been able to understand, or rather come to terms with loss due to a natural calamity. But, a man made calamity, that too of this proportion, I cant understand. I dont know why one human being would consider another human beings life so cheap and unimportant. In my opinion a ‘true human being’ cannot and would not do something like that. I just cant fathom it.

Even today when i read or hear of the tragedy and the aftermath of that tragedy, I feel so helpless. Helpless cause I couldn’t do anything but watch and listen. I might have been far away, but i could and still feel the pain of the loss. I keep wondering how it would be had that tragedy not happened? All those people who went there to work, to meet friends, to have a good and peaceful time  and never came back. All those who went there to help and were left critical or damaged for life. All those who were left with incomplete families…

Can we help???

“Prayer is not an old woman’s idle amusement. Properly understood and applied, it is the most potent instrument of action.” -Mohandas Gandhilarge_praying_hands

Physically, sometimes its not feasible to help, but in spirit YES we can.
We can Hope and Pray. We can send them our love and think of them in our prayers.
How many times have we prayed for someone other than ourselves or our loved ones?
Learning to pray for anothers plight makes us selfless. It makes the universe aware of the positivity going out and maybe just maybe all that positivity will go in the right direction.

Today, as a tribute to those beautiful souls, I would request you to say a prayer for them. A prayer that will reach them and make them feel like they mattered and havent been forgotten. A prayer that will show them the immense love that is still felt for them and that their going has left a huge hole in the universe.

I urge you to also pray for their families. May they have the strength to overcome this loss and live their life as was truly intended for them to be lived.

The Almighty Allah Says in the Holy Quran- “Call On Me, I Answer You.”

Lets all Call on the Almighty today for Peace and Love to surround this whole universe. Amen.

with love Zeenat

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30 thoughts on “26/11-Prayer for Peace and Love

  1. Manish

    Such a nice blog on 26/11.And i think prayer will give you more strength on such situations.Every year we lost our families in such brutality and i hate this brutality.
    Our earth is beautiful so please keep them clean and live with peace.

    thank you Zeenat great work

    1. HI Manish,
      Thank you for your kind words. I agree with you..that prayer gives you more strength and courage in the face of calamity. Lets all hope and pray for peace and love in abundance.

  2. Zeenat,
    Know that I am offering up prayers for all these families who have suffered. Your words here are kind and beautiful. I believe it really shows your wonderful character.

    And I also pray today for peace, near you, and throughout the world…

    With love,

    1. HI Lance,
      Thank you thank you. Thank you fro the kind words and the prayers you are sending their way..and to the universe…
      God willing when we all pray together..the power will be much greater.

  3. Juancav

    Zeenat I join your prayer for world peace and families, that impious hands took their life, that materialism is defeated and has more value human life.

    1. Hi Juancav,
      Thank you for taking the time to pray for the families who lost so much… I hope this positive energy goes in the right direction and makes a world of difference in the Universal Plan.

  4. Zeenat,
    Thank you for reminding us all of this terrible tragedy so we can all stop and take time to offer prayers to the living and honor to the memories of the souls who have passed from this world. This is a beautiful memorial you have created.

    blessings to you too sweet soul,

  5. Hi Zeenat,

    What a beautiful tribute. Events such as that attack are heartbreaking. Whenever I hear of such things, I just pray for those who were effected.

    Prayer is definitely a powerful thing to do. I am often surprised when I learn that people don’t pray for others. I have always been of the mindset that prayer is not reserved just for me but for anyone who is in need of Divine help. So I think it is awesome that you are encouraging people to not only pray for themselves but for others too.

    1. Hi Nadia,
      Since my curve into spirituality began, I have come to beleive firmly in the power of prayer. Especially the belief that when you pray for others, somehow you and your life heal automatically. People do need to realise this fact…and its only by actually praying will they feel that happening.
      Thank you fro your prayers Nadia. We are indeed peas in a pod!

  6. Hi Zeenat,

    Came across this post from indiblogger.in. Amazing post, you have put your entire heart and soul into every word you have written. I think every single person in this world would be praying for the people. I definately am.

    — Tavish

  7. I love this, Zeenat, and rely on prayer every day of my life – often for the benefit of others. Although saying that seems silly. We are all ONE. There is no separation. When those people died, part of us died. As their friends and family suffer, so, too, do we suffer. We must pray for love and healing to fill every inch of space on this earth. Love is our destiny. I pray for people, animals, and living organisms everywhere — that they feel loved, are filled with love, and know peaceful, loving lives.

    And on that note, much love to you, my beautiful friend!

    1. HI Megan My Joyful Angel,
      I love what you said…we are indeed ONE!! When we pray for others we are actually praying for ourself. Its full circle…thats just the way the universe works 🙂
      And yes LOVE and Peace are the two most important things that need to surround this beautiful universe…and every living organism.
      Love your thoughts sweetie 🙂
      Big hug and lots of Love.

  8. Hi Zeenat!
    The photo of the praying hands and your loving tribute – wow, what a combo! And I so agree with that quote – prayer is definitely not the amusement of old ladies. I, too, join you in believing in the power of prayer. Maybe, If we all realize that to pray for another is to send them positive energy in the most loving of ways, we would do more of it!

    Thank you so much for this heart-felt post and reminder to pray. Everyday is the anniversary of a tragedy somewhere on this earth, so a prayer a day is not over the top.
    Hugs, Love and Prayers!

    1. HI Suzen,
      Everyday IS a tragedy somewhere on this beautiful earth….its a depressing thought…but when we know we can pray for those souls….that helplessness does seem to vanish. We definitely need to pray more.
      Thank you so much for you prayers and thoughts.

  9. HI Z

    I will commit to this.
    I will use the memory of people who died under these circumstances to make my life one of being love in action and do Ho’Oponopono to the attackers.
    I also will create peace in my own heart and be peaceful around others. I will commit to be the change I want to see.
    Peace to all, love Wilma

    1. Hi Wilma,
      I love this commitment you made. And i certainly in addition to praying commit to this too. Its something we all need to do.
      Love and Peace to all.
      Lots of love to you.

  10. Hi Zeenat,

    I remember feeling this way when 9/11 happened. I was going in for major surgery and my mother was flying out of Logan in Boston just a week later to help me. Watching the towers fall all I could think is .. ” that could of been my mother” my next thought was.. ” that was someone’s mom.. dad..” It hit me very hard. But, I had my health to focus on.
    When I finally got feeling normal again… I tried to find a way to honor those that died on that horrible day.

    here is what has helped me…

    On 9/11 I read about one of the victim’s of that day. And try to find a small way to memorialize them anonymously online.

    I try to live my life a more loving, caring person.

    I have made myself become more understanding, and tolerant of other people religious beliefs, cultures and ideas.

    I have decided to make a conscious effort to balance out evil with good. That way the terrorist’s that killed all those innocents do not achieve their goal.

    just wanted to pass along what’s I have learned through such horrible tragedy.

    My heart and prayers go out to those that lose loved ones. (()) May they rest in peace until you are together again one day!

    1. Hi Moon,
      You have learned such wonderful lessons through that tragic experience. Thank you for sharing your wisdom here. We cna all benefit form it.
      Thank you also for your prayers.
      Lots of love

  11. A wonderful post. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Prayer can heal the world. Be blessed beyond measure Zeenat.

    Let us all pray for peace and healing. Let us build a bridge and move past our differences. Let us celebrate being part of the family of mankind, regardless of our religion. Let us come together for the good of the world.

    1. HI Eriin,
      Thank you so much for your wonderful thoughts and prayers.
      I hope all of us in our small way can do good and pray for love and peace everywhere so that the world can truly heal.
      Lots of love

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